
What is Pet Insurance? (And Why Do I Need It?)

By Sofia Figueroa

Not to be dramatic, but we’d turn to a life of crime for our pets. They’re just a baby, after all … a baby who likes to eat trash, get stuck in small spaces, chase things that shouldn’t be chased, etc. In other words, an expensive baby. And veterinary care, much like human health care, ain’t cheap.

A woman with a messenger bag on her shoulder walking a dog on a leash, with clouds in the background. Illustration.

Luckily, there are ways of making it … less expensive. You know, so maybe you don’t actually have to become an outlaw after all? Whether you’ve considered it or never even heard of it, pet insurance is worth fully understanding as an option.

What is pet insurance?

Simple: It’s health insurance for your pet, typically your dog or cat. A standard pet health insurance policy is designed to cover some of the biggest emergency vet costs.

What does pet insurance typically cover (and not cover)?

Pet health insurance plans vary, of course, but your basic policy generally covers three main things if your pet has an unexpected accident or illness:

  • Diagnostics, like x-rays or blood tests

  • Procedures, like surgeries or emergency care

  • Medications, like injections and prescription meds 

Some pet insurance providers may also offer additional optional coverages like:

  • Preventative care, including yearly checkups and vaccines

  • Other expenses, like routine tests and protective treatments

What it won’t cover are treatments for pre-existing conditions, treatments that fall within a policy’s waiting period(s), or experimental treatments.

Should I get pet insurance? Why not just put the money into my emergency fund?

Like many things, it depends on your financial situation — what you have now, your personal goals, how consistent your income is, and so on. If your pet is your fur baby, and / or if you’re just squeaking by, you might not want to let your ability to pay for their medical care depend on whether or not you’re in a good place financially. Having pet insurance can offset that unpredictability. It’s also highly customizable, depending on the company you go with. You can build coverage based on your budget and on your pet’s individual needs.

As for the emergency fund thing — it’s a question of risk. An emergency fund will certainly help cover your pet’s medical expenses, but whatever you have in that fund is going to be limited. Pet insurance allows you to pay a low monthly premium to cover any number of unknown costs for treatments and procedures that, if and when they hit, can add up quickly. Vet bills can be in the thousands of dollars, which might be more than you’d be able to save by the time you need it. Also, with pet insurance, your savings can be reserved for other emergency expenses (like if you get laid off, or if you yourself have an unexpected medical bill) or savings goals (like, say, getting your dog a dog).

It might also be smart to consider both pet insurance and a pet emergency fund, if you can swing it — as mentioned above, there are some expenses a policy won’t cover, and those costs (especially ones related to pre-existing conditions — hello, congenital conditions) can get expensive, too.

Anything else I should know about pet insurance?

We know it’s the absolute last thing you want to think about — our pets are immortal, as far as we’re concerned — but the fact is, your dogs and cats are going to get older faster than you think. And as they age, they’re going to require more trips to the vet, be it for chronic conditions or sudden new ailments. (Is Zeus limping because he fractured his ankle, or did he step on a thorn and is being a huge baby about it? Who can say?)

That’s why a pet insurance policy can be more effective the earlier you take it out: If you take out an insurance plan for your 13-year-old dog Belle, chances are higher she’ll have pre-existing conditions that the plan won’t be able to cover. But if you take out a policy for six-month-old Juniper, you can continue renewing it throughout her life — you may be paying more in premiums over time, but you’d also be ensuring more of those big expenses can be covered down the road.

So how do I actually get pet insurance?

If you think pet insurance is right for you, we’re big fans of Lemonade. We partner with them because they’re mission-driven, offer super-competitive pricing, and are known for their customer support. You can check out their pet insurance policy options here.*

Now go tell that little nugget what a good girl she is. It’s already been a whole ten minutes since she heard it last.


Ellevest is a paid partner of Lemonade Insurance Agency, LLC (“LIA”), a licensed insurance agency providing quotes and policies for Lemonade Insurance Company (“LIC”). Insurance is provided by LIC. LIA receives compensation based on the premiums for the insurance policies it sells. Products may not be available in all states.

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*Ellevest is a paid partner of Lemonade Insurance Agency, LLC (“LIA”), a licensed insurance agency providing quotes and policies for Lemonade Insurance Company (“LIC”). Insurance is provided by LIC. LIA receives compensation based on the premiums for the insurance policies it sells. Products may not be available in all states.

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Sofia Figueroa

Sofia Figueroa is a CFP® Professional at Ellevest. She works with Ellevest clients to help them take financial control and make a plan to hit their money goals.