Plan to make the most of your inheritance

Receiving an inheritance is an overwhelming experience, emotionally and financially. Ellevest’s experts can help you put your money to work — and your mind at ease.
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Choose a team that gets women’s finances.

Ellevest was built specifically to account for women’s differences. Traditional financial companies weren’t. 
Different needs

62% of women say they have unique investment needs that aren’t understood by other advisors.

Different lifespans

74% of women die single — meaning we ultimately benefit from staying in control of our own finances.

Different priorities

79% of women say they want to invest for positive environmental, social, and governance impact.

Align your inheritance with your values — starting today.

Book a complimentary intro call with one of our all-women experts to talk through your next steps around receiving an inheritance. 

Stay in the know about all things money

Timely insights and explainers from our team of experts — only in the Ellevest Magazine. 

The Key to Giving (and Receiving) Generational Wealth

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How Should You Invest a Large Sum of Money?

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What is ESG Investing and How Does it Work?

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Take your next step with Ellevest.

Do I need to be inheriting a certain amount to work with Ellevest?

No. If you’re dealing with any amount that feels big and unmanageable to you (whether it’s in the thousands or the millions), we’re confident that you could benefit from our services. 

How can I plan ahead for an inheritance? 

If you’re expecting to receive an inheritance (or you already have), it’s always a good idea to start planning or revising your plan as soon as possible. You can book a complimentary call with one of our experts to learn more about how we can support you. 

Can Ellevest help me with tax planning around an inheritance?

Ellevest’s financial planners include enrolled agents (EAs) and certified public accountants (CPAs), who can help you build a tax strategy into your larger financial plan for your inheritance. 

If you believe you qualify for Ellevest Wealth Management, learn more about our Wealth Management financial advisors (who can connect you with tax planning support).

Who will I be working with?

Ellevest’s all-women team of financial planners are all CFP® professionals, or CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals. This means they’ve met the coursework and extensive work experience requirements outlined by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc.

Some of our financial planners are dedicated tax pros, including enrolled agents (EAs) and certified public accountants (CPAs).

Feel free to learn more about our financial planners. Or, if you believe you qualify for Ellevest Wealth Management, learn more about our Wealth Management financial advisors.

How do I get started?

Start with a complimentary call. One of our experts will get to know a bit about you and your unique finances, then point you in the right direction based on your needs.